
Showing posts from August, 2022

Watermelon JUICE!

  I am a part of a garden club (yet really it's  a small FARM! ) Our fearless leader puts in SO much work...every day.  She was kind enough to share some juice from a watermelon WE grew! What's better?  She brought it cold to our pickleball game, and I enjoyed drinking it immediately after our games.   Why is that better?  Watermelon juice is a great partner to fitness as it is packed with antioxidants, amino acids (especially L-citrulline), potassium and beta-cryptoxanthin. Potassium can cut down on cramps from exercising- especially in this Texas heat L-citrulline can be converted to arginine which is an essential amino acid to relax blood vessels and improve circulation Antioxidants  like Vitamin C and lycopene which can curb your risk of cancer and diabetes (along with a healthy lifestyle)  Beta-cryptoxanthin   is a naturally occurring pigment that may protect your joints from inflammation (and my old joints definitely need that!) Do you have any favorite watermelon recipe