Watermelon JUICE!


I am a part of a garden club (yet really it's a small FARM!)
Our fearless leader puts in SO much work...every day.  She was kind enough to share some juice from a watermelon WE grew!

What's better?  She brought it cold to our pickleball game, and I enjoyed drinking it immediately after our games.  

Why is that better?  Watermelon juice is a great partner to fitness as it is packed with antioxidants, amino acids (especially L-citrulline), potassium and beta-cryptoxanthin.

  • Potassium can cut down on cramps from exercising- especially in this Texas heat
  • L-citrulline can be converted to arginine which is an essential amino acid to relax blood vessels and improve circulation
  • Antioxidants like Vitamin C and lycopene which can curb your risk of cancer and diabetes (along with a healthy lifestyle) 
  • Beta-cryptoxanthin  is a naturally occurring pigment that may protect your joints from inflammation (and my old joints definitely need that!)
Do you have any favorite watermelon recipes for the fruit or juice?  I'd love to hear about them....


  1. Electrolyte Beverage- 3 cups watermelon juice, juice of lime or lemon, 1/8 teaspoon good salt, 2 T. Honey or sweetener of choice. Delicious and much healthier than Gatorade.


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