Healthy egg scrambles....endless possibilities


Am I a good cook?

NOT really....

People assume since I am a Nutrition coach, that I am most definitely "top chef" material.
This week marks the 4th week of National Nutrition Month.  One of the themes is "learn cooking and meal prep skills."  Yet, my husband would agree, I am at better at planning and managing versus cooking!  

But don't fret, if I can throw together a healthy egg meal, SO CAN YOU!  
Although eggs used to get a bad rap, egg scrambles are an easy way to consume great protein and pair with a ton of veggies... (it is basically an omelet, but much less finesse required!

For my lunch today, here was my quick recipe:
  1. tear or chop up about 1.5 cups baby spinach
  2. chop up about 1/2 large red bell pepper
  3. slice 1/3 - 1/2 cup grape tomatoes
  4. saute in pan with a bit of olive oil spray and no salt seasoning of your choice
  5. once the spinach is wilted, add in one whole egg + 2 more egg whites
  6. cook until reach desired doneness
  7. throw into a bowl and top with avocado or guac and a spicy sauce for fun!
This recipe has 260 calories, 18 grams protein, and 6 grams of fiber....
even better? almost 200% of the RDI for Vitamin A and 135% of RDI for Vitamin C!

If you have veggies that are not bad (but maybe getting close)... they are perfect to throw into an egg scramble as above....
Other ingredients I love to add = mushrooms, jalapenos, minced or diced carrots, zucchini, I said...endless possibilities!

Happy National Nutrition month and I hope you try preparing something new in the kitchen soon!

p.s. What is your favorite egg scramble?  I'd love to hear...


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