Food Diary Challenge



Working on your well-being is a lifestyle, not a short term goal.  Yet, it does help to record what you eat and drink for a few weeks to make sure you are on track- or tweak as needed.
Will you give it a try?

If your answer is yes, let's get started!
WRITE (or record) ALL you eat and drink...
What is ALL?
Every morsel, drink or drop that goes into your mouth!  Did you stop by your co-workers desk with the bowl of peanut M&M's, or have samples while Costco shopping?  What about the creamer in your coffee, or when you open the freezer door for “just a few spoonfuls” of ice cream? 

Make it convenient to keep a current running list of your intake including:
  1. when you ate, drank and exercised
  2. how you were feeling/mood
  3. energy level
  4. how MUCH (1/2 cup; 3 ounces etc)
Why does it help?
It slows you down to think about what do you really need right now.
Is it food? 
OR Maybe it is really…
ü     Water
ü     Needed stress relief via a talk with a friend, a walk, meditation, or yoga

Ok...I'm ready to start journaling my intake...  How should I do it?

Use whatever type of food diary works for you.
  • I use my mobile phone– the FREE MyFitnessPal app is my favorite, especially the ability to use a barcode and scan an item from your fridge or pantry 
    • AND you can share your data with friends!
    • *if you use MyFitnessPal, use the notes section at the very bottom of the diary screen to record hunger & energy level + mood.
  • You could 
    • send yourself a continuing email
    • use the notes app in your phone
    • try using a scrap of paper, or a small notebook. 
      • for this old school approach, I also have this  handy form

Record as you go.
Record as many details as you can... brand, which variety etc
**Don’t forget to note hunger level, mood, & energy level

Focus on portion size.
Most people underestimate how much they eat.
Have you heard the term “portion distortion”?
For example, measure how much cereal you REALLY eat and be sure to write it down.

Don't skip your indulgent days.
For example, be sure to include at least one weekend day, this is usually when our eating habits are different from the work week...or if you go to a party, you still have to write it down…It IS possible to allow some fun party food and still meet your goals.

Do you have a favorite app or method to help you reset your eating and drinking?  Please share in comments...


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