
Showing posts from March, 2022

Another plant for inflammation...

In the world of wellness, it often comes down to reducing inflammation for improved health. Whether it is arthritis related inflammatory pain, or another inflammatory disease, such as colitis- focusing on ways to naturally reduce inflammation is a great place to start. As a nutrition and wellness coach, with a Registered Dietitian training and certification- I can be quite the skeptic.  Yet, I do enjoy digging into trends and inquiries to see if there is some support for new claims. CBD may not be a NEW claim, but it has definitely gained significant traction in “mainstream” wellness.  When my older dog started having significant arthritic pain, I gave her ¼ of a CBD puppy chew- and WOW….she has a new “leash” on life!  With that observation, I decided to dig into CBD for human inflammation. Chronic pain is often due to inflammation and can be quite difficult to manage. Too often, patients end up with side effects from the pain medications required to get their pain under control.  What

Healthy egg scrambles....endless possibilities

  Am I a good cook? NOT really.... People assume since I am a Nutrition coach, that I am most definitely "top chef" material. This week marks the 4th week of National Nutrition Month.  One of the themes is "learn cooking and meal prep skills."  Yet,  my husband would agree, I am at better at planning and managing versus cooking!   But don't fret, if I can throw together a healthy egg meal, SO CAN YOU!   Although eggs used to get a bad rap, egg scrambles are an easy way to consume great protein and pair with a ton of veggies... ( it is basically an omelet, but much less finesse required! )  For my lunch today, here was my quick recipe: tear or chop up about 1.5 cups baby spinach chop up about 1/2 large red bell pepper slice 1/3 - 1/2 cup grape tomatoes saute in pan with a bit of olive oil spray and no salt seasoning of your choice once the spinach is wilted, add in one whole egg + 2 more egg whites cook until reach desired doneness throw into a bowl and top with

Do you PLAN your meals and snacks?

  Do you plan your meals and snacks?  That is this week's theme for National Nutrition Month! We recently talked about healthy grocery shopping on a budget.  Planning ahead gives you more bang for your buck (food and money -wise). There are all kinds of apps out there to help you keep a running grocery list, in addition to downloadable meal plans. A  Nutrition coach like myself can take it a step farther for you and create meal plans with recipes and lists that coordinate to your family likes, dislikes, allergies, intolerances and calorie goals. When you plan ahead, you can see what ingredients you HAVE on hand and plan to use them first...then only buy what you need.  Additionally, I have found I won't over snack if I know I have something awesome planned for my next meal. Do you have a favorite grocery shopping app?  My favorite ones include the option of scanning the bar code on the food to easily add it to your list, such as the  Our Groceries  app. Using the curbside ord

Eat according to your genes

  Did you say eat according to your genes?  I will admit, I was a skeptic about this for years....yet, if you use a test backed by real science- you may be able to optimize intake as it relates to your genetic/ DNA makeup.  The research behind this precision nutrition advice has come a long way.  I have participated in significant training and am excited to share what I have learned. We now know that different versions of a gene can make us respond differently to certain components in food such as lactose in milk, gluten in bread, or caffeine in coffee, along with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins & minerals found in various food s. Following a personalized nutrition plan is more than just calories and carbs.  A nutrition coach, with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) certification, considers many criteria...and tweaks recommendations along the way.  What does a nutrition expert /RDN analyze? medical history medications and supplements weight history meal and bever

Craving your favorite tacos? healthIER options do exist!

 Create and Choose healthier Options  .... while still enjoying your favorite ethnic dishes! For this first week of National Nutrition Month 2022,  Let's focus on healthy versions of our favorite food traditions... Being a native Texan, my favorite ethnic food is Mexican-American.  There are many styles of this cuisine. Some entrees are more black bean, seafood and pork focused, while others may include more red chili sauce with ground beef and yellow cheese.  Yet, most of the time the line is blurred and you can find either of these styles (and many in between). Whether eating out, or preparing at home- here are some ways to enjoy your favorites with great nutrition benefits at the same time! choose a plant forward meal salad tips: don't eat too much of the taco shell bowl (or skip it all together!) very light on cheese use salsa as your salad dressing grilled chicken or shrimp for a carnivore protein beans as your protein stuffed bell peppers with lean protein and veggies to