Do you PLAN your meals and snacks?


Do you plan your meals and snacks?  That is this week's theme for National Nutrition Month!

We recently talked about healthy grocery shopping on a budget.  Planning ahead gives you more bang for your buck (food and money -wise).

There are all kinds of apps out there to help you keep a running grocery list, in addition to downloadable meal plans. A  Nutrition coach like myself can take it a step farther for you and create meal plans with recipes and lists that coordinate to your family likes, dislikes, allergies, intolerances and calorie goals.

When you plan ahead, you can see what ingredients you HAVE on hand and plan to use them first...then only buy what you need.  Additionally, I have found I won't over snack if I know I have something awesome planned for my next meal.

Do you have a favorite grocery shopping app?  My favorite ones include the option of scanning the bar code on the food to easily add it to your list, such as the Our Groceries app.

Using the curbside ordering option at stores like HEB pushes you to truly plan ahead, and takes away the IMPULSE buys while at the grocery store..... It saves you money, time and empty calories!

Do you have a favorite grocery shopping or meal planning tool or method?
I would love to hear about it!


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