Eat according to your genes


Did you say eat according to your genes?  I will admit, I was a skeptic about this for years....yet, if you use a test backed by real science- you may be able to optimize intake as it relates to your genetic/ DNA makeup.  The research behind this precision nutrition advice has come a long way.  I have participated in significant training and am excited to share what I have learned.

We now know that different versions of a gene can make us respond differently to certain components in food such as lactose in milk, gluten in bread, or caffeine in coffee, along with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins & minerals found in various foods.

Following a personalized nutrition plan is more than just calories and carbs.  A nutrition coach, with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) certification, considers many criteria...and tweaks recommendations along the way. 

What does a nutrition expert /RDN analyze?

  • medical history
  • medications and supplements
  • weight history
  • meal and beverage intake- (when/where/how much/ how did you feel after)
  • movement and exercise habits
  • social engagement
  • sleep quality and quantity
  • family medical history
  • YOUR goals
  • OPTION:  nutrigenomics test
  • and.....

Nutrigenomics is the study of how your genes react to what you eat.  A simple saliva test by a Nutrigenomix approved nutrition coach- gives us one more tool in our toolbox to add value to your nutrition plan.

If you would like to learn more about how Working for Wellness can customize a nutrition and wellness plan for you, please let me know!
I have several packages available- with, or without, the DNA detailed analysis.




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