got WATER?


Well, we can't let this scorcher of a summer pass by without talking about staying hydrated!

I was going to do a post on skin health in the heat, but really...taking in enough fluids is one of the major basics of OVERALL physical health - especially in sizzling climates!  They used to say 8 cups a I'm sure you have realized... you can't really generalize the requirement when you consider the following:

  • how hot is it
  • how much do you sweat
  • what is your activity level
  • body type and size....etc
Water can significantly impact performance.  It depends on 

  • kind of activity
  • length of activity
  • are you a "salt sweater"
  • and if long endurance workouts, may need to make sure carbohydrates are on board to "hold on" to the water.... 
How much water do you need?

Including the water in food, you need between 91-125 fluid ounces of water 
11-16 CUPS of water/day.

You CAN get about 20% of you fluid needs from food if you are eating the right foods.

How to hydrate?

  • DRINK water, tea, milk, seltzer - and you can even count your first 1-2 cups of coffee (after that you need to consider the diuretic effects of caffeine- unless it is caffeine free!)
  • EAT hydrating foods: strawberries, watermelon, tomato, grapefruit, cucumber, celery, radish, califlower, broccoli, carrots
  • have fun with fruit infused waters
  • get a free smart watch app HydroCoach-Hydration app that tracks your intake
  • use a SMART Water bottle like HidrateSpark

What are your tips and tricks to stay hydrated? I'd love to hear!


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