Protein bites- first attempt....

 Hello friends!  If you are feeling the heat from this summer AND your grocery bill- then we are on the same page!  I decided the price of my favorite protein bars (that pass my "clean label" test") were getting too expensive and it was time to try my own version....

  • 2 scoops Isopure Protein powder (plain)
  • 1/4 cup almond butter
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 3/4 cup raw oats
  • 65 of the 70% cacao chocolate chips- divided evenly
  • 1/3 cup water
  • drops of liquid stevia to taste
(Nutrition facts: Makes 11 "big" bites - 156 kcals; 9 g pro, 9 g carb)

Blend all of this up in a POWERFUL blender and VOILA...I didn't add the 6-7 chocolate chips per "bite" until I made them into balls.

Were they good? 

Yes, with notes:

  • Husband thought should be sweeter
  • I'd like them to be higher in protein and a bit less carb
Even the blendtec had trouble with this batter, they have a small blender jar made for nut butters that I will try next time.

I will keep you updated as I'd like to increase the nutrition power a bit and play around with different ingredients..



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