Watermelon days...

Hi everyone!

I hope you are enjoying your summer!  There is NO better snack to cool off with than watermelon this time of year!  Our garden group (really a small FARM!) grew them this year.  It was so cool to successfully grow watermelon and enjoy it with friends and family.  


Did you know ...?

  • watermelon is 92% water
  • rich in Lycopene- a powerful antioxidant!
  • you can eat the RIND!?
  • rich in Vitamin C
  • you can roast the SEEDS!
    • Roasted Seeds recipe
    • 1/4 cup roasted seeds = 7 grams protein, rich in magnesium, folate, copper, & potassium!
    • rich in Vitamin B complex as well!
  • you can grill watermelon

I've even made a "cake" with a watermelon!

Stay cool and enJOY the season!


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