
Ode to Pickleball

  Have you tried pickleball yet?  Time magazine  recently published a great article on why this game is SO popular and the associated benefits.   Why do I love it? Well, I have some "broken parts" and the smaller court helps me still be able to play... What else? I consider myself a recreational athlete, but I never actually played a "sport" - and this one is EASY to learn! The rumor is true, anyone CAN play! I am playing with people of ALL ages and socializing with neighbors and meeting new people while moving! my husband!  will even join in on the fun Excellent exercise for the brain- you should always be strategizing a few strokes ahead. significantly helps with hand+eye coordination A few of my neighbors are working with a coach every month or so ...I highly recommend this as you can't spot your own bad habits.  Once the coach identifies them for you, it is easier to catch yourself and break the habit in games. Cheers to your next game- and don't get pic

Watermelon JUICE!

  I am a part of a garden club (yet really it's  a small FARM! ) Our fearless leader puts in SO much work...every day.  She was kind enough to share some juice from a watermelon WE grew! What's better?  She brought it cold to our pickleball game, and I enjoyed drinking it immediately after our games.   Why is that better?  Watermelon juice is a great partner to fitness as it is packed with antioxidants, amino acids (especially L-citrulline), potassium and beta-cryptoxanthin. Potassium can cut down on cramps from exercising- especially in this Texas heat L-citrulline can be converted to arginine which is an essential amino acid to relax blood vessels and improve circulation Antioxidants  like Vitamin C and lycopene which can curb your risk of cancer and diabetes (along with a healthy lifestyle)  Beta-cryptoxanthin   is a naturally occurring pigment that may protect your joints from inflammation (and my old joints definitely need that!) Do you have any favorite watermelon recipe

Protein bites- first attempt....

  Hello friends!  If you are feeling the heat from this summer AND your grocery bill- then we are on the same page!  I decided the price of my favorite protein bars (that pass my "clean label" test") were getting too expensive and it was time to try my own version.... 2 scoops Isopure Protein powder (plain) 1/4 cup almond butter 1/2 cup peanut butter 3/4 cup raw oats 65 of the 70% cacao chocolate chips- divided evenly 1/3 cup water drops of liquid stevia to taste (Nutrition facts: Makes 11 "big" bites - 156 kcals; 9 g pro, 9 g carb) Blend all of this up in a POWERFUL blender and VOILA...I didn't add the 6-7 chocolate chips per "bite" until I made them into balls. Were they good?  Yes, with notes: Husband thought should be sweeter I'd like them to be higher in protein and a bit less carb Even the blendtec had trouble with this batter, they have a small blender jar made for nut butters that I will try next time. I will keep you updated as I'

got WATER?

  Well, we can't let this scorcher of a summer pass by without talking about staying hydrated! I was going to do a post on skin health in the heat, but really...taking in enough fluids is one of the major basics of OVERALL physical health -  especially in sizzling climates !  They used to say 8 cups a I'm sure you have realized... you can't really generalize the requirement when  you consider the following: how hot is it how much do you sweat what is your activity level body type and size....etc Water can significantly impact performance.   It depends on  kind of activity length of activity are you a "salt sweater" and if long endurance workouts, may need to make sure carbohydrates are on board to "hold on" to the water....  How much water do you need? Including the water in food, you need between 91-125 fluid ounces of water   =  11-16 CUPS  of water/day. You CAN get about 20% of you fluid needs from food if you are eating the right foods

Watermelon days...

Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying your summer!  There is NO better snack to cool off with than watermelon this time of year!  Our garden group (really a small FARM!) grew them this year.  It was so cool to successfully grow watermelon and enjoy it with friends and family.     Did you know ...? watermelon is 92% water rich in Lycopene- a powerful antioxidant! you can eat the RIND !? rich in Vitamin C, A, B6 + potassium and zinc Pickled Watermelon rind recipe rich in Vitamin C you can roast the SEEDS ! Roasted Seeds recipe 1/4 cup roasted seeds = 7 grams protein, rich in magnesium, folate, copper, & potassium! rich in Vitamin B complex as well! you can grill watermelon Grilled watermelon recipe I've even made a "cake" with a watermelon! fresh Watermelon "cake" recipe Stay cool and enJOY the season!

Another plant for inflammation...

In the world of wellness, it often comes down to reducing inflammation for improved health. Whether it is arthritis related inflammatory pain, or another inflammatory disease, such as colitis- focusing on ways to naturally reduce inflammation is a great place to start. As a nutrition and wellness coach, with a Registered Dietitian training and certification- I can be quite the skeptic.  Yet, I do enjoy digging into trends and inquiries to see if there is some support for new claims. CBD may not be a NEW claim, but it has definitely gained significant traction in “mainstream” wellness.  When my older dog started having significant arthritic pain, I gave her ¼ of a CBD puppy chew- and WOW….she has a new “leash” on life!  With that observation, I decided to dig into CBD for human inflammation. Chronic pain is often due to inflammation and can be quite difficult to manage. Too often, patients end up with side effects from the pain medications required to get their pain under control.  What

Healthy egg scrambles....endless possibilities

  Am I a good cook? NOT really.... People assume since I am a Nutrition coach, that I am most definitely "top chef" material. This week marks the 4th week of National Nutrition Month.  One of the themes is "learn cooking and meal prep skills."  Yet,  my husband would agree, I am at better at planning and managing versus cooking!   But don't fret, if I can throw together a healthy egg meal, SO CAN YOU!   Although eggs used to get a bad rap, egg scrambles are an easy way to consume great protein and pair with a ton of veggies... ( it is basically an omelet, but much less finesse required! )  For my lunch today, here was my quick recipe: tear or chop up about 1.5 cups baby spinach chop up about 1/2 large red bell pepper slice 1/3 - 1/2 cup grape tomatoes saute in pan with a bit of olive oil spray and no salt seasoning of your choice once the spinach is wilted, add in one whole egg + 2 more egg whites cook until reach desired doneness throw into a bowl and top with