
Do you PLAN your meals and snacks?

  Do you plan your meals and snacks?  That is this week's theme for National Nutrition Month! We recently talked about healthy grocery shopping on a budget.  Planning ahead gives you more bang for your buck (food and money -wise). There are all kinds of apps out there to help you keep a running grocery list, in addition to downloadable meal plans. A  Nutrition coach like myself can take it a step farther for you and create meal plans with recipes and lists that coordinate to your family likes, dislikes, allergies, intolerances and calorie goals. When you plan ahead, you can see what ingredients you HAVE on hand and plan to use them first...then only buy what you need.  Additionally, I have found I won't over snack if I know I have something awesome planned for my next meal. Do you have a favorite grocery shopping app?  My favorite ones include the option of scanning the bar code on the food to easily add it to your list, such as the  Our Groceries  app. Using the curbside ord

Eat according to your genes

  Did you say eat according to your genes?  I will admit, I was a skeptic about this for years....yet, if you use a test backed by real science- you may be able to optimize intake as it relates to your genetic/ DNA makeup.  The research behind this precision nutrition advice has come a long way.  I have participated in significant training and am excited to share what I have learned. We now know that different versions of a gene can make us respond differently to certain components in food such as lactose in milk, gluten in bread, or caffeine in coffee, along with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins & minerals found in various food s. Following a personalized nutrition plan is more than just calories and carbs.  A nutrition coach, with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) certification, considers many criteria...and tweaks recommendations along the way.  What does a nutrition expert /RDN analyze? medical history medications and supplements weight history meal and bever

Craving your favorite tacos? healthIER options do exist!

 Create and Choose healthier Options  .... while still enjoying your favorite ethnic dishes! For this first week of National Nutrition Month 2022,  Let's focus on healthy versions of our favorite food traditions... Being a native Texan, my favorite ethnic food is Mexican-American.  There are many styles of this cuisine. Some entrees are more black bean, seafood and pork focused, while others may include more red chili sauce with ground beef and yellow cheese.  Yet, most of the time the line is blurred and you can find either of these styles (and many in between). Whether eating out, or preparing at home- here are some ways to enjoy your favorites with great nutrition benefits at the same time! choose a plant forward meal salad tips: don't eat too much of the taco shell bowl (or skip it all together!) very light on cheese use salsa as your salad dressing grilled chicken or shrimp for a carnivore protein beans as your protein stuffed bell peppers with lean protein and veggies to

The Struggle is REAL...Healthy Grocery Shopping...on a budget...

Healthy eating on a budget So, if you have been grocery shopping lately…the struggle is REAL! Shopping smart for healthy choices has become more challenging… Let’s discuss some general guidelines, and maybe YOU can also share some shopping hacks to save money! General tips Always look for sales Look for store brands Shop by UNIT price FRUITS AND VEGGIES: One misconception I hear often:  frozen fruits and vegetables are not a good choice. If you buy the ones with salt and sugar added, sure…not a fantastic choice. Yet, without those additives - they are a great option! Buy the frozen grocery store brand of your favorite fruits and vegetables without any flavors or pasta added…you can add that yourself If you have fresh fruits and veggies that look like you won’t eat them in time…bag them up and throw into freezer for later Maybe use it in a smoothie or omelet  Let’s keep it simple and review tips per USDA MyPlate foo

National Pizza day...I LOVE Pizza (and...YES), I'm a Dietitian-Nutritionist-

  Yes, Pizza is my favorite food.... I could probably write a book on my love of pizza, instead...I'll try to write a blog from time to time as my ode to pizza... February 9th, 2022 is National Pizza Day....Do you have a favorite style, a place you would even travel by plane just to have a slice?  I am gluten intolerant and have been for over 20 my quest for pizza (without gluten) has become much easier over the years. What is my favorite?   Via 313  in Austin, TX... hands down is my splurge of choice... What is it that makes pizza so special?  Well, my theory is usually enjoyed with friends and family.   What else makes pizza awesome ?  You can: carry it in one hand. make it at home have it thin, thick or even with a vegetable based crust cut it in squares, triangles or make them personal sized have half for one style, and the other with other toppings Speaking scientifically, pizza is popular because: humans enjoy the rich, savory and sweet combination = UMAMI

Walk while you Work?!

  As I walk and type this, you may think this would be expensive or difficult to make it happen.... IT'S NOT!   Although stand up desks and treadmills underneath are much more commonplace now, I have been doing this since 2012! Why?  Well, foodservice, healthcare and many other professionals can relate.  You don't really stop moving when you are at work.  YET, when I started a new role with a TON of desk back started bothering me, even though I was maintaining my normal exercise routine. My PT (#bestever), said you just need to move more.... The desk(s) you see in an L shape are  work tables   from Home Depot. My husband found the used treadmill online and removed the handlebar and hung the treadmill control underneath the desk! When I am not walking, I put an adjustable height chair on top of the treadmill to do seated work (of course, when it is NOT moving!) LOL Cleveland Clinic recently posted an article  7 Reasons To Start Walking in Place   which prompted me to

Food Diary Challenge

  FOOD DIARY CHALLENGE Working on your well-being is a lifestyle, not a short term goal.  Yet, it does help to record what you eat and drink for a few weeks to make sure you are on track- or tweak as needed. Will you give it a try? If your answer is yes, let's get started! WRITE (or record) ALL you eat and drink... What is   ALL ? Every morsel, drink or drop that goes into your mouth!  Did you stop by your co-workers desk with the bowl of peanut M&M's, or have samples while Costco shopping?  What about the creamer in your coffee, or when you open the freezer door for “just a few spoonfuls” of ice cream?  Make it convenient to keep a current running list of your intake including: when you ate, drank and exercised how you were feeling /mood energy level how MUCH ( 1/2 cup; 3 ounces etc) Why does it help? ...Awareness! It slows you down to think about what do you really need right now. Is it food?  OR Maybe it is really… ü       Water ü       Needed stress relief via a tal